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Master's Speaker Training

Access Training

Part 1: Our Why

Why did we create our online speaker training? YOU.

Your story is powerful.

Access Part 1: Our Why

3 videos | 9 minutes

Part 2: Your Host

Meet Your host, Nat. See why he's qualified to lead you.

"shared infectious energy"

Access Part 2: Professor Nat

3 videos | 8 minutes

Part 3: The How

Learn how our training works; 13 Parts to make you better!

With Homework & Pro Tips!

Access Part 3: How It Works

1 video | 3 minutes

Part 4: Simplicity

What's the ONE take away for your audience?

Make Your Message Simple.

Access Part 4: Simplicity

4 videos | 15 minutes

Part 5: Credibility

What makes you so special? Who are your people?

Finding verticals & niches.

Access Part 5: Credibility

5 videos | 12 minutes

Part 6: Customized

Each engagement a new an unique experience for all.

Uncovering audience needs.

Access Part 6: Customized

3 videos | 9 minutes

Part 7: Passion

Leaning in to what makes you tick; why you care.

Passionate delivery wins.

Access Part 7: Passion

4 videos | 12 minutes

Part 8: Perform

The art of delivery through expert performance design.

Power in your words & work.

Access Part 4: Performance

5 videos | 21 minutes

Part 13: Self Worth

Again, YOU are powerful. You have it. We need to hear it!

Positive affirmations.

Access Part 13: Self Worth

2 videos | 9 minutes

Your Workbook

Access your Speaker Training Workbook.

Your homework guide.

Workbook loading;
coming soon


A resources document to keep you up to speed.

Lists of speakers & more.

Resources Doc Loading;
coming soon

Discovery Session

Set up a time with Professor Nat to chat.

How else can we help?

Set Up A Free Discovery Session with Professor Nat

Part 9: Interactive

Get your audiences involved. Keep them engaged.

inspiration via interaction.

Access Part 9: Interactivity

4 videos | 12 minutes

Part 10: Networks

Leveraging your powerful connections and networks.

The power of dot connecting.

Access Part 10: Networks

2 videos | 6 minutes

Part 11: Media

Exposure to enhance your work and messages.

Earned, socials, and more.

Access Part 11: Media

3 videos | 6 minutes

Part 12: Products

Taking your messages beyond the stage & talks.

Tactful merchandising.

Access Part 12: Products

3 videos | 6 minutes

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